About Feretina
Feretina, a Social Networking Platform. With our new feature, user can wonder posts, photos, earn points.

The women's network created in 2022 is committed to creating a new pleasant virtual space for women. We have seen in recent years that today's society as a whole has failed. Only harmony, support, understanding can contribute to the good of both, as for  individual and the community to. Our goal is to create a small ``community'' that will contribute support to those in need. We can organise humanitarian projects, mutual cooperation, the possibility of creating new contacts, and much more as a unity.

Our small space has a very 'healthy' and positive atmosphere in which there is no place for hate speech and any kind of discrimination. With your registration, you accept the terms of use on  our website.

We are a new concept of a website in the Balkans that gives the opportunity to those who need it, prizes or cash which can be redeemed after collecting points with activities such as: comment, like, new post, etc., 
Only ``those in need'' who apply for this bei support tema, after reviewing  receive these privileges. Of course, regular users also have the opportunity to have fun, contribute their activity and socialize with us.

Please note that no web owner is obliged to pay users, and from the fact that we have introduced this option of earning for members, we can remove it without any obligation or explanation any time if it for any reason does not work. It will remain just like an ordinary social website.

But we sincerely hope that it will not come to that and that many members will now be able to spent useful their time unlike on other Social Websites. 

The link to download Feretina App is available.